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Have you seen any interesting wildlife on Alderney?
Please record your sightings in the box below. If possible please note the time, date and location of your sighting.
Thank You.
(These sightings are personal records and have not been verified.)

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4:41pm 11-06-2012
Glenn Allen
I've uploaded my photographs for the period 31st May to 4th June. I've not been able to label some of them, not knowing what birds/animals they are. Others are common enough, mallards, coots, moorhens etc, a few have me puzzled, the link is :

Hope they might be of interest.
7:50pm 21-05-2012
Paul Richardson
The following is an account of what I recorded during my visit from the 5th to the 15th May:

06/05/12 - Hobby at Clonque then later in the Bonne Terre

Plenty of swallows, Sand Martins, House Martins and Swifts over the Island - one dead swallow down the Bonne Terre

Lots of warblers down the Bonne Terre - Chiff Chaff, Willow Warbler, Blackcap, and Garden Warbler

06/05/12 - Dartford Warbler - Clonque road and Essex Castle

14/05/12 - Ring Plover x 5 on Platte Saline

13/05/12 - Hen Harrier (m) at the south side of the airport

14/05/12 - Cuckoo - Bonne Terre

11/05/12 - Spotted flycatcher 6+ - Bonne Terre

11/05/12 - Sparrowhawk - Bonne Terre

Yellow Wagtails 6+ - Farmland south of the Island near the farm
5:24pm 13-05-2012
James Allison
6 spotted flycatchers and 2 lesser redpoll - Barrackmaster's Lane.
4:50pm 11-05-2012
James Allison
Nightingale - Clonque Bay.
Yellow wagtails, wheatears and linnets - Longis Common.
Sedge warblers - Longis Hide.
Whitethroats, sedge warblers and chiffchaffs - Longis sewage works.
9:45am 03-05-2012
Sarah Lewington
Still plenty of wheatears about- you can't miss them on Longis Common. Lots of butterflies, including small copper and common blue between Houmet Herbez and Longis Bay when the sun was out on Tuesday (01/05/2012).
7:14pm 30-04-2012
James Allison
Whitethroat at the Longis sewage works, 2 Shelduck and a Brent Goose in Longis Bay.
6:15pm 30-04-2012
25+ linnets. Golf course next to Nunnery
Pied wagtail Corblets carpark

Wheatears (5+) on beach/rocks by carpark at Western end of Platte Saline.

Linnets (4) south side of airport
Wheatears south side of airport

Linnets small group (8+) cliffs above Hannaine bay
Numerous Wheatears also on cliffs above Hannaine bay

Godwit (probably bar-tail ) at Western end of Platte Saline having an altercation with a lone Oystercatcher

Wheatears at east end of airport.
Numerous Willow warblers,chiffchaffs, black caps at Longis sewage works
2 Curlew at Houmet Florains, also Oysercatchers.
Wheatears (3+) North slope of Fort Albert
Yellow wagtails (4+) North slope of Fort Albert, could be viewed from road.
3:33pm 25-04-2012
23/4/12 1 Snipe at Longis Hide skulking in reeds close to the hide,
Mallard with 3 ducklings.
24/4/12: Whinchat at promontary opposite Homet Floraines. Large owl (species uncertain, dark upper side) flying over fields between Gifffoine and Tourgis just before sunset
4:49pm 24-04-2012
James Allison
Lesser Whitethroat, at least 8 Blackcaps, and over a dozen Willow Warblers at Longis Sewage Filter Beds. Fantastic site!
4:21pm 10-04-2012
Gareth Price
1 Male Redstart on Longis Nature Reserve, 2 Female & 2 male Blackcaps, numerous Willow Warblers and a Chiffchaff at Longis Sewage Filter Beds.
11:08am 23-03-2012
Gareth Price
30 Common Dolphins off Ile de Raz yesterday. 22/03/2012
10:52am 05-03-2012
Adam (Reserves)
2 song thrush at Essex Farm this morning
6:39pm 17-02-2012
female Greater spotted woodpecker spotted at Allee es Fees. and have a good photo whilst it sitting on tree.
8:05pm 05-02-2012
Gareth Price
4 Brent Geese, 1 Peregrine, 1 Shag (Dead) in Longis Bay on the 04/02/2012.
2:07pm 03-02-2012
Lois Le Lacheur
Friday 3rd February 6 chaffinches, 1 song thrush, 1 blackbird Victoria Street back garden
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